Kategorie: Science

Solving Dark Matter – auf der Suche nach neuen Teilchen

In unserer Welt scheint vieles erklärt, neue Errungenschaften und Änderungen von Welt und Weltbild vermutet man in technischen Innovationen und ausgefallenen Businessmodellen. Dennoch gibt es in den Naturwissenschaften ein weites Feld an unerforschten Gebieten. ‘Wir stehen vor der Herausforderung, dass ca. 85% des Materiegehalts des Universums noch nicht verstanden sind.’, sagt Prof. Jochen Schieck, Direktor des HEPHY (Institut für Hochenergiephysik der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften), Wien. Es gibt fünfmal mehr gravitative Wechselwirkung als man von der sichtbaren Materie erwartet. Daher wird nach einem neuen Teilchen – der Dunklen Materie – gesucht, von dem vermutet wird, dass es existiert und die fehlende Gravitation erklären kann.


A world created from ideas, as immaterial resources are limitless

We put high hopes on analyzing big data, but we failed as we haven´t found solutions to the essential problems of our society. Questions like: What is the superior way of organisation of our society in the future or what’s the role of democratic principles in the future? – need to be asked and solved. In the past globalisation, optimization, administration, regulation have served us well and brought us to the level where we are but apparently as the economic situation shows now, we are in a stagnation and all those principles have reached their limits. We need new success principles. ‘I think those success principles are co-creation, co-evolution, collective intelligence, self-organization and self-regulation.’ – says Prof. Dr. Dirk Helbing, Computational Social Science, Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences, ETH/Zurich


‘Pseudo storage’ for wind energy – deration

As wind energy becomes an increasingly higher percentage of the entire grid, Prof. Lucy Pao is researching how wind turbines and wind farms can help to stabilize the utility grid frequency. She shows a different approach on how to deal with expensive storage for renewable energy. The ‘pseudo storage’ doesn´t maximise the generation of energy available but derates it. By using only 95% percent of the power available, wind farms can respond to a request of the utility if there is a need for more energy and increase their power to stabilize the grid frequency. Next to that wind turbines will be looking differently in the future as Prof. Pao and her research group are working on a bioinspired design that is significantly bigger and more flexible than conventional turbines.

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