It’s never been so easy to change the world.

Our possibilities are increasing exponentially due to the technological leaps in the last decades.
The root of change has been the same since time immemorial:

An innovation, a technology, an initiative, a person, a moment can change the world.

And yet something is different.
For the first time – since the ancient Greeks – one admits publicly not to know exactly where the journey is going.

Suddenly people who have a solution for everything seem untrustworthy.

Previously it was impossible to articulate uncertainty in an expert or leadership position. It was considered weak.
Now it is publicly accepted because, for the first time in the history of humanity, we are seeing a paradigm shift taking place several times over a generation.
The acceleration of change was initially a clear technology issue. ‘Geeks’ and ‘Nerds’ programmed complex software solutions that created savings opportunities and new business sectors through automation.
New business models, process innovations, social innovations, the topic of digitization, new scientific findings, as well as the penetration of artificial intelligence and robotics into our everyday life emerged from the application of the technologies.
The combination of technology and people acts as a catalyst that changes the world.
The selected interviews highlight the trends that will shape our work and thus our society for the next decade by providing impulses – using examples of individual innovators.